-- ============================================= -- Author: 华岭 -- Create date: 2008-10-28 -- Description: 将表数据生成Insert脚本 -- Demo : exec pCreateInsertScript 'BexmCodeType','dictypeid = 61' -- exec pCreateInsertScript 'SYS_AUTHENROLE','1=1' -- ============================================= ALTER proc [ dbo ]. [ pCreateInsertScript ] ( @tablename varchar( 256), @con nvarchar( 400)) as begin set nocount on declare @sqlstr varchar( 4000) declare @sqlstr1 varchar( 4000) declare @sqlstr2 varchar( 4000) select @sqlstr = ' select '' insert ' + @tablename select @sqlstr1 = '' select @sqlstr2 = ' ( ' select @sqlstr1 = ' values ( '' + ' select @sqlstr1 = @sqlstr1 +col + ' + '' , '' + ' , @sqlstr2 = @sqlstr2 +name + ' , ' from ( select case when a.xtype = 173 then ' case when ' +a.name + ' is null then '' NULL '' else ' + ' convert(varchar( ' + convert( varchar( 4),a.length * 2 + 2) + ' ), ' +a.name + ' ) ' + ' end ' when a.xtype = 104 then ' case when ' +a.name + ' is null then '' NULL '' else ' + ' convert(varchar(1), ' +a.name + ' ) ' + ' end ' when a.xtype = 175 then ' case when ' +a.name + ' is null then '' NULL '' else ' + ''''''''' + ' + ' replace( ' +a.name + ' , '''''''' , '''''''''''' ) ' + ' + ''''''''' + ' end ' when a.xtype = 61 then ' case when ' +a.name + ' is null then '' NULL '' else ' + ''''''''' + ' + ' convert(varchar(23), ' +a.name + ' ,121) ' + ' + ''''''''' + ' end ' when a.xtype = 106 then ' case when ' +a.name + ' is null then '' NULL '' else ' + ' convert(varchar( ' + convert( varchar( 4),a.xprec + 2) + ' ), ' +a.name + ' ) ' + ' end ' when a.xtype = 62 then ' case when ' +a.name + ' is null then '' NULL '' else ' + ' convert(varchar(23), ' +a.name + ' ,2) ' + ' end ' when a.xtype = 56 then ' case when ' +a.name + ' is null then '' NULL '' else ' + ' convert(varchar(11), ' +a.name + ' ) ' + ' end ' when a.xtype = 60 then ' case when ' +a.name + ' is null then '' NULL '' else ' + ' convert(varchar(22), ' +a.name + ' ) ' + ' end ' when a.xtype = 239 then ' case when ' +a.name + ' is null then '' NULL '' else ' + ''''''''' + ' + ' replace( ' +a.name + ' , '''''''' , '''''''''''' ) ' + ' + ''''''''' + ' end ' when a.xtype = 108 then ' case when ' +a.name + ' is null then '' NULL '' else ' + ' convert(varchar( ' + convert( varchar( 4),a.xprec + 2) + ' ), ' +a.name + ' ) ' + ' end ' when a.xtype = 231 then ' case when ' +a.name + ' is null then '' NULL '' else ' + ''''''''' + ' + ' replace( ' +a.name + ' , '''''''' , '''''''''''' ) ' + ' + ''''''''' + ' end ' when a.xtype = 59 then ' case when ' +a.name + ' is null then '' NULL '' else ' + ' convert(varchar(23), ' +a.name + ' ,2) ' + ' end ' when a.xtype = 58 then ' case when ' +a.name + ' is null then '' NULL '' else ' + ''''''''' + ' + ' convert(varchar(23), ' +a.name + ' ,121) ' + ' + ''''''''' + ' end ' when a.xtype = 52 then ' case when ' +a.name + ' is null then '' NULL '' else ' + ' convert(varchar(12), ' +a.name + ' ) ' + ' end ' when a.xtype = 122 then ' case when ' +a.name + ' is null then '' NULL '' else ' + ' convert(varchar(22), ' +a.name + ' ) ' + ' end ' when a.xtype = 127 then ' case when ' +a.name + ' is null then '' NULL '' else ' + ' convert(varchar(6), ' +a.name + ' ) ' + ' end ' when a.xtype = 48 then ' case when ' +a.name + ' is null then '' NULL '' else ' + ' convert(varchar(6), ' +a.name + ' ) ' + ' end ' when a.xtype = 165 then ' case when ' +a.name + ' is null then '' NULL '' else ' + ' convert(varchar( ' + convert( varchar( 4),a.length * 2 + 2) + ' ), ' +a.name + ' ) ' + ' end ' when a.xtype = 167 then ' case when ' +a.name + ' is null then '' NULL '' else ' + ''''''''' + ' + ' replace( ' +a.name + ' , '''''''' , '''''''''''' ) ' + ' + ''''''''' + ' end ' else ''' NULL ''' end as col,a.colid,a.name from syscolumns a where a.id = object_id( @tablename) and a.xtype <> 189 and a.xtype <> 34 and a.xtype <> 35 and a.xtype <> 36 )t order by colid if @con is not null select @sqlstr = @sqlstr +left( @sqlstr2, len( @sqlstr2) - 1) + ' ) ' +left( @sqlstr1, len( @sqlstr1) - 3) + ' ) '' from ' + @tablename + ' where 1=1 and ' + isnull( @con, '') else select @sqlstr = @sqlstr +left( @sqlstr2, len( @sqlstr2) - 1) + ' ) ' +left( @sqlstr1, len( @sqlstr1) - 3) + ' ) '' from ' + @tablename + ' where 1=1 and ' print @sqlstr exec( @sqlstr)
SET IDENTITY_INSERT TableName ON do insert -- resume